Comments/opinions on CL and sump design for 55g please


Premium Member
I will be setting up a 55g (36"x19"x20") to hold me over the next two years or so. My current tank's corner seams are just about gone and won't last until my in-wall tank gets set up in my house I am building. It will have an overflow box with 1" drain and 3/4" emergency drain, a closed loop system and a sump underneath.

For the closed loop, I will have an oceansmotions Super Squirt Compact that will alternate flow out of two outlets at the same time (version 3- Opposed: 1 & 3, 4 & 2, repeated). The outlets will be 3/4" with a "Y" and Loc-line. I will have two 1" intakes (or two 1.5" intakes) for the closed loop. I need help deciding on a pump. I am leaning towards a PanWorld 200PS that has 1750gph. This would give me around 30X turnover with around 400gph comming out of each nozzle (2 CL outlets with 2 Loc-lines on a "Y" for each) at the same time. I plan on having about ~1" sandbed. Will this be too much flow???
Here is a rough diagram of the back wall of the tank for the closed loop. Does the placement of the outlets look ok?

As for the sump, I already have a Dolphin AmpMaster 3000 with the new seal that has never been used. I plan on using this to run everything. I am going to have the return to the tank only be about ~150gph or so. Everything else will be recirculated through the sump and skimmer repeatedly. The sump will be a 20L and have a section for a protein skimmer (leaning towards AquaC), macroalgae and return.
Here is a rough layout of the sump design. How does it look?

I haven't set up a closed loop or sump before so any opinions would be greatly appreciated!
IMO, I wouldn't run all your equipment off one pump. Simplify the plumbing and add atleast a dedicated pump for the skimmer. Keep in mind that each beckett on the skimmer needs about 1000 GPH to function at it's best. It'd be better to use a pressure rated pump and not a flow pump for this.

Get rid of #2 on the 6-way. Any extra flow you want to throttle back, you can do that on #3, IMO.
Looks good. I am personally not a fan of having either intakes or outlets of CL systems that low in the tank. I don't want to have to drain the whole tank to replace a bulkhead, for whatever reason. Just my opinion.

As for the sump, again, just my personal preference, but I find it very impractical to have one pump supplying water to all equipment. Adjusting that many outlets is no fun, and you'd be guessing at the GPH you're getting at that point.

Oh, and if you have the space, and don't mind the extra cost, use true unions around your pumps to make servicing easier.

Yeah, I was thinking about having a dedicated pump for the skimmer. I have a DP800 which is recommended for that skimmer in the closet already. Maybe I should just use that for the skimmer then use the 3000 to feed the calcium reactor, possible future ozone, refug/macro area and the return?

As far as the closed loop, the upper intakes and returns are placed 6" below the top. Should I raise them up to around 3" and raise up the bottom returns to about mid level?

Also, any comments on my choice of pump for the closed loop (PanWorld200PS)???

Thanks! I can use all the help I can get!
Since skimmer performance is so critical to a system, I would definitely give it a dedicated pump.