Complete 125 Setup


New member
Way too much to list in full on here:

125 Gallon Setup
Solid Oak Stand and Hood
3x250 watt metal halides
LED Moonlighting
2 1600gph Powerheads
30 Gallon Chambered Sump
Quite One 4000 main pump 1000 gph
Ramora Protein Skimmer with MAG 7 pump
Digital Temp, PH, and Salinity Sensors
2 Little Fishies 150 Phosban Reactors
Aquarium Guys Reverse Osmosis System
40 Gallon Collection Barrel with auto off float
Dosing Pump to automatically refill tank from evaporation

Approximately 200 lbs of Live Rock
3 Anemone
Several SPS Corals
Tons of Zoanthid Corals
Many larger leather Corals

Blue Sturgeon Tang
Queen Angel
Pair of Black Clown Fish
Snails, Hermit Crabs, Peppermint Shrimp etc.

$3000 for the full setup...I can provide pictures for any thing you want.

Will also part out starting with non-essential items, protein skimmer, little fishies reactor, RO System, Top Off Pump.

Then will move to the livestock and rock.

Last will be the lights, tank, stand etc.

Through here or direct email is fine blcard at yahoo
Pair of Black Clown Fish with a Long Tentacle Anemone $150
Surgeon Tang $50
Large Queen Angel $150
Blue Tort SPS Coral $150 for Colony or $25 for 1 inch frags
Misc SPS Coral $50 for Colony
Huge Finger Leather $100 for Colony or $15 for large frags
Enormous Toadstool $100
Devil's Hand Leather $40
Frog Spawn Coral $50
Large Bubble Tip Anemone $50 (Have Two)
Tons and tons of misc zoanthids, kenya trees, polyps,

Polyp or Zenya covered live rock $10 and up, Live Rock w/o coral $2.00 per pound
The vast majority of livestock is gone and the rest should be by this weekend. Here is an update on some of the equipment with pricing.

125 Gallon Drilled Tank with Oak Stand and Hood $750
3-250 Watt Metal Halide Lights $250, DE bulbs retro style kit.
Aqua C Remora Protein Skimmer w/ Mag7 Pump $150
Filter Guys Reverse Osmosis System with Auto Off and TDS meter $100, w. 40 gal barrel and float shut off.
2-Phosban Reactors with Pumps $35 each
Digital Temp/PH Monitor $90
Pinpoint Salinity Monitor $75
BRS 2 Dosing Pump $80

125 Gallon Dual Corner Drilled Reef Ready Aquarium. Each corner has a drain and return line.

Oak stand and hood which is very nice furniture grade not cheap box store stuff, Hood has large front doors that open for feeding and working in tank and rear doors for venting. Stand has 4 doors with the center two opening complete for easy sump access.

20 gallon tri-chambered sump $75

3-250 Watt Metal Halide Lights $250, DE bulbs retro style kit.

Quite One 4000 return pump $50



6 foot blue LED night lights $50

4-Outdoor water resistant timers $30 for all

I will sell the tank, stand, and hood for $750; I will include everything above for $950 firm.