Controlling Tunze pumps???


New member
I just got my Profilux Plus II unit set-up and everything is working great except I'm not sure I set-up the Tunze pumps correctly. I used the cables to connect to the L1,L2 socket (using the Tunze 1,Tunze 2 and the splitter) as described in the manual. Under the 1-10v Interface section, I have L1 = Current1, and L2 = Current2. Under the Pump screen, I made both pump1 and 2 part of group 1 with 0 pumps in group2. The pumps are set to 50% min and 80% max. Mode is Surge1, Duration 1min to 10 max, wave = sinus. Following the manual it looks like all is correct but when I look at the display of the unit, Pumps always say 50% 50% and the value never seems to change. Is this normal or am I missing something?

Thanks in Advance,
I set the interface to 3-8V and it works now.
Thanks again for your help. Great unit by the way. Couldn't be happier with the results.

Glad I could help

I run mine between 5 and 80 in random mode.
25% random wave reduction and 40% at night.

I drop them to min at feeding time.
Here is my understanding:

The Tunze pumps are really not 1-10 v control but 3-8 v control.

Max voltage for the tunze control line is 8v. More than that and
you are over loading the control line, plus you risk damaging the
control circut on the Tunze pump

The min on the Tunze is about 3v (I found than less than 2.5 and
the pumps don't spin) so to get a reliable opperation you use 3v
on the low end (or 2.5, this value you can play with a little).

Addtionally if you kept it at the 1-10v you would only have a
usable range of 30-80% (50 points of control).

By using 3-8 volts you now can use the full scale (100 points of
control) but more importantly you have a pump that starts at 1
on the scale and you dont have to worry about overloading the
control line on the tunze pump if you go over 80 on the scale
(80% of 10v = 8v)

Matthias, may be able to add a little more to this as well.
Thank you for the information. I hope that my nanostream running for a month on my profilux is not damaged.
To my point of view this type of information should be mentionned in the profilux manual.
Let see if Matthias give more info
Harry, I have nothing to add - everything is correct and very detailled.

I have never heard of any Tunze power module which was damaged by too high control voltages.