Cooperband & purple tang


In Memoriam
Anybody has experience with Cooperband in the tank?
Do they do well in the home tank?
What do they usually eat?

Did anyone saw a purple tang for sale lately?
I have a copper band in my home reef tank. He is doing very well and has actually put on weight. Granted he has only been in the tank for a month, and just now started eating live brine shrimp. Make sure you have lots of "mature" live rock. Mine started eating off the rocks immediately once I put him in. They will eat the copepods and tiny crustaeceans that live among the live rocks. It also helps if you have no other fish that will compete for the same food source as them.

The only purple tangs Ive seen lately are in Broward. Big Als had a tiny one (smallest one Ive ever seen) and Pets Unlimited has a very large one but it looks to have head and lateral line errosion.
I have a mix of hard and soft corals in my tank and I've never seen my Copperband pick at any of them. It loves clams though, so do my wrasses. So I'd think twice if you have any decorative clams. Mine come from Publix as part of my cleanup crew. Once in a while a wrasse will dig one up and I'll shuck it for them :)
Coral Reef Farm usually always has purple tangs. I had a copperband but it ended up dying. I had to buy live brine and mix it with frozen for it to eat. Then I slowly took away the live brine and it started to eat only frozen mysis. In the end it went on a hunger strike and wouldn't eat anything, ended up dying not to long after. Very hard to keep and only would get one if it has been in an established tank eating pellets/mysis.


<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11921873#post11921873 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by pedromatic
It loves clams though, so do my wrasses. So I'd think twice if you have any decorative clams. Mine come from Publix as part of my cleanup crew. Once in a while a wrasse will dig one up and I'll shuck it for them :)
What do you mean it comes from publix as part of your clean up crew????
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11922373#post11922373 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by flfireman1
What do you mean it comes from publix as part of your clean up crew????

I mean that I occasionally buy clams from Publix (littlenecks) and throw them in my tank. I put them in a small container with a bubbler for a while to check that they're alive. Any dead ones I shuck and throw in (unless they smell bad), my fish love them. The ones that survive bury in the sand and help clean up and keep my sand bed healthy. Once in a while my Twin Spot Wrasse (avatar) will find one and dig it up. When he finds one he's relentless and won't let it bury itself, so I shuck it and throw it in... dinner.

Back on the subject of Copperbands, mine did well because there were plenty of worms and other little critters in my sand and rocks to keep him happy. Eventually he got used to the frozen stuff, frozen clams and PE Mysis, using his long jaws to deftly remove the shell and eat the meat. But he won't touch pellets or flake, so if that's what you're feeding, don't get a Copperband.
ive had 2 copperbands that i got to eventually eat mysis, but it takes patience. both were lost to poor water quality, but they both ate like a pig until they died.
If you are looking for purple tangs House of fins had 2 nice sizes they are on Dixie and SW 144 st... Tag price was $99... If you mention RC I think they give you 10%... give them a call
Their number is on the LFS list on the top of this to Marlin

Good luck!
jawz i know sells purple tangs for really cheap in general. i think it was something like 40-50$ or so. not sure if they got a large shipment in and they were discounted tho.
Thank you guys for your response
My tank has a lot of LR over 2 years now.
I have a mandarin dragonet that is doing fine, so I guess the cooperband will have food in the rocks.

I will stop by JAWZ to look at the purple tangs.