A.T.T.R., I looked into them a while ago and found some interesting ideas for breeding them.
1. would be to get as diverse a population you can. That can't really be done from getting them from your own tank, as in people's tanks the diversity tends to be rather bare as far as pods go. The suggested way to collect a bunch of good ones was to go to the beach and grab a floating seaweed bundle and put it in a bucket. Bring it home, keep it in a 10g tank or something, and then you'll have tons of pods from the ocean.
2. The suggested food for pods after collection was just simply detritus siphoned out of the main tank and put into the 10g.
The suggested method for harvesting and subsequent feeding was to put a filter sponge in the pod tank, and they'll infest it. Then put it in a bucket of tank water and shake the sponge into the water so the pods fall out. Then just pour that water back into the main tank with the pods in it.
I don't remember if it was in a book or online or something, but I do remember that it was from a pretty respectable source. I'm gonna go see if I can find it on WWM or something.
Anyway, lemme know what you end up doing, as raising pods for food is an interesting idea. I know I see dead amphipods float around my tank every now and then, but rarely are they eaten. Maybe I just need copepods.