A couple of my milleporas are experiencing tissue loss near the base of the branches.
I thought aefw but after close inspection, I was unable to find any flat worms or eggs. I tried blasting them with a powerhead in a clear container and still no sign of aefw. Today I pulled out one of the affected corals and noticed 2 very small snails on the coral. They are about the size of a grain of rice with circular brownand white shells. It could be coincidental but, I was wondering if anyone has had a similar problem or has read anything on predatory snails. Only corals currently affected are milleporas.
Tank parameters are all good:
DKH 10
Calcium 450
Temp 79
Salinity 1.024
Nitrates and Phosphate both unmeasurable.
I thought aefw but after close inspection, I was unable to find any flat worms or eggs. I tried blasting them with a powerhead in a clear container and still no sign of aefw. Today I pulled out one of the affected corals and noticed 2 very small snails on the coral. They are about the size of a grain of rice with circular brownand white shells. It could be coincidental but, I was wondering if anyone has had a similar problem or has read anything on predatory snails. Only corals currently affected are milleporas.
Tank parameters are all good:
DKH 10
Calcium 450
Temp 79
Salinity 1.024
Nitrates and Phosphate both unmeasurable.