Coral Eating Snails?


New member
A couple of my milleporas are experiencing tissue loss near the base of the branches.
I thought aefw but after close inspection, I was unable to find any flat worms or eggs. I tried blasting them with a powerhead in a clear container and still no sign of aefw. Today I pulled out one of the affected corals and noticed 2 very small snails on the coral. They are about the size of a grain of rice with circular brownand white shells. It could be coincidental but, I was wondering if anyone has had a similar problem or has read anything on predatory snails. Only corals currently affected are milleporas.
Tank parameters are all good:
DKH 10
Calcium 450
Temp 79
Salinity 1.024
Nitrates and Phosphate both unmeasurable.

I've had seen lots of different types of snails that feed directly on the tissue of sps. Try getting a picture and posting. Most of the ones I have seen have looked like this...

i've seen some small round ones too...mostly on pocillopora and stylophora though.