coral frags and neon gsp at frag swap w/freebies


Ex FMAS bod member
Premium Member
I will be selling neon green star polyps. I will be giving away free 5 - 10 hermit crabs/snails (depends on size of frag and while they last) with the purchase of the gsp. I have gsp from small frags to a 10.5 pound rock completely covered.
I will also be selling zoos, palys, orange digi, green cap, red cap, 2 duncans, ORA pink birds nest - 1 frag, blue hairy mushroom, green hairy mushrooms, ricordias, etc.
Stop by to see what I have. My stuff will be in an acrylic tank with blue sides and back.
I forgot to mention, I will also be bring some cabbage leather coral. Different sizes.

Jun77 - I have yours put aside. I will also be bringing 1 live rock with sea mat growing on it. You might be interested in.