Hello Reef Central! First post and new to the community!
I need help with my Coral Growth!!
I have a 90 gallon reef tank that I have had established for 5 years. I have had success keeping fish, but have never seen good coral growth in my tank. Some of the corals have been in the tank for several years and remain the same size as they where when I put them in. I seldom see corals split/ divide to populate. I have not added any new corals to the tank in probably 2 years as I have been waiting to get the existing ones healthy first. There are 3 types of zoanthids, blue and red mushrooms, green finger leather, ricordea, xenia, star polyps, two torch corals. Keeping the tank at 1.024-1.025 salinity. Currently have 4 fish( Queen Anthias, 6 lined wrasse, and two clowns. I have 10 hermits, 2 peppermint shrimp, 5 emerald crabs. The tank has 6 T5 bulbs(4 white and 2 blue). I change 2 of the 6 bulbs every 4 months. Keeping the temp 77-78 deg F. I change 10 gallons of water twice per month with Seachem vibrant sea salt. I also dose B-Ionic two part solution. I add 40 Ml every night to the tank of each part.
Took a sample of water to my LFS a few weeks back:
Nitrates 0
Alk 10.9
Cal 480
Mag 1350
We both used salifert test kits, and on the same sample of water I tested it at:
Alk 9.6
Cal 440
I lost motivation about a year ago for several months of time. Even before this stage I never saw good coral growth. I feel I have been committed this past 12 months to get the tank going in the right direction. I very seldom miss a two part dose and have been sticking to the water changes. A result of me ignoring the tank has been a the tank is populated with a lot of aiptasia and bubble algae. The peppermint shrimp and emerald crabs have only been there for about 6 weeks. Bubble algae is definitely decreasing. About 4-5 months ago the corraline algae growth definitely has increased.
Any advice would be appreciated!!!!!
I need help with my Coral Growth!!
I have a 90 gallon reef tank that I have had established for 5 years. I have had success keeping fish, but have never seen good coral growth in my tank. Some of the corals have been in the tank for several years and remain the same size as they where when I put them in. I seldom see corals split/ divide to populate. I have not added any new corals to the tank in probably 2 years as I have been waiting to get the existing ones healthy first. There are 3 types of zoanthids, blue and red mushrooms, green finger leather, ricordea, xenia, star polyps, two torch corals. Keeping the tank at 1.024-1.025 salinity. Currently have 4 fish( Queen Anthias, 6 lined wrasse, and two clowns. I have 10 hermits, 2 peppermint shrimp, 5 emerald crabs. The tank has 6 T5 bulbs(4 white and 2 blue). I change 2 of the 6 bulbs every 4 months. Keeping the temp 77-78 deg F. I change 10 gallons of water twice per month with Seachem vibrant sea salt. I also dose B-Ionic two part solution. I add 40 Ml every night to the tank of each part.
Took a sample of water to my LFS a few weeks back:
Nitrates 0
Alk 10.9
Cal 480
Mag 1350
We both used salifert test kits, and on the same sample of water I tested it at:
Alk 9.6
Cal 440
I lost motivation about a year ago for several months of time. Even before this stage I never saw good coral growth. I feel I have been committed this past 12 months to get the tank going in the right direction. I very seldom miss a two part dose and have been sticking to the water changes. A result of me ignoring the tank has been a the tank is populated with a lot of aiptasia and bubble algae. The peppermint shrimp and emerald crabs have only been there for about 6 weeks. Bubble algae is definitely decreasing. About 4-5 months ago the corraline algae growth definitely has increased.
Any advice would be appreciated!!!!!