Coral ID please


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My boyfriend purchased a mystery coral in L.A. It is very strange and I have never seen anything like it in a fish store.

It inflates and deflates and is the consistency of a soft coral. It moves around like an anenome looking for light or position. Once it finds a good spot, it usually stays there for quite a while.

The shape is like a cucumber... it is pinkish in color like a colt coral. It has a stalk that it likes to anchor itself with under a piece of live rock. When inflated, it has many arms that look a bit like xenia stalks. I have seen these arms snatch flake food out of the water. It stays big all day but every night it shrinks up to a little tiny nubbin. We've nicknamed it something which I can't repeat in this forum.

So... consistency and color of colt coral, behavior like an anenome, shape of a cucumber with hundreds of long arms.

Anyone know what this is? I really want one for myself.
I found out that this is a "sea pen". However, it doesn't look like any photos I have ever seen. What a cool life form. I am surprised people don't have them more often.