Coral ID?


New member
Hi, I hope this is the right place to ask for id help :)
I got my first corals a week or so ago, one of those cheap deals where they give you 5 for $60 and free shipping on the whole order. I'd like to be pretty sure what they are so I can get them set up in the right part of the tank and feed them or whatev. Right now they are acclimating on the sand in the corner where the light is dimmer.

1: GSP Right?

2: Some kinda zoa, no?

also, see how there's a little thingee about middle-right? is that a baby gsp, or a scary hitchiker ya think?

3: idk, maybe a favite? Hard to get a pic of a flat thing, the glass screws up the angle.


4: I thought this was dead for sure, the water was all brown and the coral is barely attached so when I tried to blow off the crud w/ a turkey baster a big chunk got lost. But whatev, I stuck it in the corner andd left it alone. Last couple days there's a few little bud-ish tips and a happy little pink flower. I know it's hard to see, Sympodium perhaps?

Thanks guys!
I.D.s on 1&2 are correct, 3 is indeed some kind of favia/favite, and 4 looks like dying Knopia sp. (might recover)
pic 2 mid right is xenia, it can overgrow quickly but it tends to catch the eyes of everyone that looks at my tank.
Thanks guys!

The knopia did die :(
The Xenia hasn't done much, glad to hear it's not a bad anemone or something. I think I'll keep it around and when it gets big enough try to mix with some chunks of gsp around the back parts of the tank for a carpet effect of some sort.
It's cool to look at these pics now cause you don't notice that they are growing, but each one is a little bigger than it was.