Coral id?


Ex FMAS bod member
Premium Member
Does anyone recognize these corals? I don’t remember the names.

Both are same corals, but in different sides of the tank.

Was much larger but I knocked it loose and now have a ton of frags.



Does anyone recognize these corals? I don't remember the names.

Both are same corals, but in different sides of the tank.

Was much larger but I knocked it loose and now have a ton of frags.




I don't know what they are but I'll take a couple of frags.
I should be posting frags from corals 1, 2 and 3 by tomorrow. I don't have any frags from corals 4 and 5. I don't plan on fragging them till they get bigger.
I should be posting frags from corals 1, 2 and 3 by tomorrow. I don't have any frags from corals 4 and 5. I don't plan on fragging them till they get bigger.

Ok please let me know. I'm interested in them. When you do, can you make me a package deal with all 3 ?
Yes I can reduce the price some if you buy the three. I will post pictures of the frags later today.
You looking for scientific names or "trade" names. First one looks like a Miyagi tort. Second some kind of tenius. Third looks like a valida, either tricolor or maybe some form of bonsai. Foruth I have no idea. Last one looks a lot like a pearlberry believe it or not. Not super colorful, but color theme and growth structure is similar. Hope this helps...

Do I get a free frag if I win the prize?:D
You looking for scientific names or "trade" names. First one looks like a Miyagi tort. Second some kind of tenius. Third looks like a valida, either tricolor or maybe some form of bonsai. Foruth I have no idea. Last one looks a lot like a pearlberry believe it or not. Not super colorful, but color theme and growth structure is similar. Hope this helps...

Do I get a free frag if I win the prize?:D

Sure, I'll give you a frag if you give me the mp40. :bounce2:
I was hoping to get the trade name possible. I was hoping Mark would chime in. I may have gotten some from him.
PM me when you post pics of 1-2-4-5. I will pic up at swap if price is right. BTW- you know I like generous frags. I dont like nubs, Ide rather pay more.. :love1:
I will be bringing frags of the top 3. Look for the light green led light holder.