Coral Made The Front Page!!!!!!!!

Yeah, I was excited to see the pictures of the elkhorn and staghorn on the frontpage this morning too. :D

It's certainly a step in the right direction.

Unfortunately making a protected area won't do anything to stop global warming which is the suspected cause of most recent massive and widespread cases of coral reefs getting bleached out, but it does bring the major issue of our sewage dumping right into the local public spotlight.
Maybe this will help change the way our city and county governments treat the local ecology... then again, maybe they'll just "label" the area as "protected" and call it a day. :rolleyes:

I'm wondering how this is going to affect submerged land lease applications? It already takes a year to get approval and this could completely kill my hopes for leasing a couple of acres anywhere within a 200-300 mile drive.
This would actually be a good opportunity for FMAS.

Partner with fed and state agencies, grow some frags, repopulate the protected area.

Participating LFSs get some free pub, elected officials can blow some sunshine and hobbyists get some credit for being part of the solution
I agree......the logistics of it all would be a big deal and from the article nothing is set in stone yet, but i good idea...
only time i looked at a newspaper in years and I saw that the cover had coral on read the article...and that was about it!