My tank is 55g, 48”L x 18”H x 12”D. Please see the photo and feel free to comment on the aquascape. I may remove that highest rock in the middle.
I am really posting to ask about how to judge water flow within the tank; particularly as it applies to where to add corals. I see the terms - high, medium, low flow recommended but do not understand how to evaluate that. I have a PAR meter so I am able to get a good handle on light. I don’t have many corals yet in part because I do not know what kind would be good locations for different types of corals on my aquascape. In the photos below, you’ll see a Frogspawn about 6” high on the rock and it seems to be healthy; although I am not sure if the flow is best for it. The Zoa at the bottom and the the mushroom over on the right look fine also, I think. Those two have been in for about 3 months.
Does anybody have guides or helps that would give me ideas about to assess flow? Or, do I just add corals and see how they do over time.? I have lists of 10 beginner corals; so, those are a start for me. Specific suggestions about where to place corals would also be appreciated. Thank you.
I am really posting to ask about how to judge water flow within the tank; particularly as it applies to where to add corals. I see the terms - high, medium, low flow recommended but do not understand how to evaluate that. I have a PAR meter so I am able to get a good handle on light. I don’t have many corals yet in part because I do not know what kind would be good locations for different types of corals on my aquascape. In the photos below, you’ll see a Frogspawn about 6” high on the rock and it seems to be healthy; although I am not sure if the flow is best for it. The Zoa at the bottom and the the mushroom over on the right look fine also, I think. Those two have been in for about 3 months.
Does anybody have guides or helps that would give me ideas about to assess flow? Or, do I just add corals and see how they do over time.? I have lists of 10 beginner corals; so, those are a start for me. Specific suggestions about where to place corals would also be appreciated. Thank you.