Coral placement and water flow


My tank is 55g, 48”L x 18”H x 12”D. Please see the photo and feel free to comment on the aquascape. I may remove that highest rock in the middle.

I am really posting to ask about how to judge water flow within the tank; particularly as it applies to where to add corals. I see the terms - high, medium, low flow recommended but do not understand how to evaluate that. I have a PAR meter so I am able to get a good handle on light. I don’t have many corals yet in part because I do not know what kind would be good locations for different types of corals on my aquascape. In the photos below, you’ll see a Frogspawn about 6” high on the rock and it seems to be healthy; although I am not sure if the flow is best for it. The Zoa at the bottom and the the mushroom over on the right look fine also, I think. Those two have been in for about 3 months.

Does anybody have guides or helps that would give me ideas about to assess flow? Or, do I just add corals and see how they do over time.? I have lists of 10 beginner corals; so, those are a start for me. Specific suggestions about where to place corals would also be appreciated. Thank you.


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So, IMO:

High Flow = 10x+ tank volume or 550gph and more
Medium Flow = 6-7x tank volume or 330 - 385gph
Low Flow = <5x tank volume of less than 275gph

Also IMO, you'll likely get different answers from everyone who responds.

I tend to add corals low in the tank and slowly move them up. That top middle rock would be ideal for some high light SPS corals like Montipora or Acros (assuming your light is strong enough) once you're ready for those.
Aquascapes are in the eye of the beholder. I will only say avoid making things straight, even, level, of equal proportion. All those things are dead giveaways a human made something. Random is hard.

Your tank will be hard. It is long but narrow. your wave makers are so far apart, one will have little effect on the other.

The numbers Griss mentioned are wonderful for flow through a sump. According to Mobius, the flow in my 240 is 15000gph total for the 3 vortechs or about 60 times tank volume. I didnt even add the 8000 gph (2) return pumps into that
It does not have high flow. The fish arent flying around the tank.

A pic of my messy tank today.

If that hammer looks happy and its been 3 months you are fine for now. When you add more stuff you will need more flow.

This is something you kind of pick up on over time and greatly depends on the shape of your tank and whats in it.
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Wow, thanks for the input on flow Ned. I'm still operation on 1990s/early 2000s thinking in a lot of cased;)
Thank you both for your feedback. Ned, thanks also for pointing out Mobius. I have the app for my Blade light. I have Jebao powerheads which I think I can’t be added to the app. If I add fish food with both pumps on, the food does spread throughout the tank. The Frogspawn seems pretty happy with the flow.
Wow, thanks for the input on flow Ned. I'm still operation on 1990s/early 2000s thinking in a lot of cased;)
Consider that 10 times tank volume to the sump is what Triton recommends for their system.
You never get what the pumps are rated for anyway. They are rater in open water with nothing on the inlet or outlet. Add so head height and they drop flow fast.

I will say It seems you get more effect from wave makers if you keep them close to the surface. I do not know why. I have 2 jerboa slf-30 pumps in a 75 and they do well.
Thank you both for your feedback. Ned, thanks also for pointing out Mobius. I have the app for my Blade light. I have Jebao powerheads which I think I can’t be added to the app. If I add fish food with both pumps on, the food does spread throughout the tank. The Frogspawn seems pretty happy with the flow.

No only Echotech pumps can be added to Mobius. They cost too much now. The price has risen and the quality declined IMHO. Specifically you used to get heavyduty power supplies with them and now they come with some that are cheap replacement laptop ones. The plastic is harder and more fragile too. My old ones ran a decade without problem. Now you have to have extra wet sides on hand. The fronts shoot off the wet sides into the tank. I drilled and pinned them. They begin spinning on the glass and then the motor shoots off. Lots of fun.

I was looking on Alibaba at the Vortech clones. Soon I guess I will get 2 and try them.

I have been buying Jebao pumps and wave makers. They are as good now as any brand I have ever purchased and better than most of them including German and Italian ones. They aren't as cheap as they used to be but are an excellent value, IMHO again. They have more options on size and type as well.