Coral RX


New member
Is Coral Rx suppose to make my zoanthids lose color? After the dip, the rastas I have are quite brownish looking.
I once did this as well, I have lost A LOT of zoas, did you happen to use r/o water with this by any chance....?
I've done it both ways. Both seem to have the same affect, Browning and blackening, under one condition, when the polyps are dipped open.

I have found that the trick to this stuff is you must force all the polyps to close. ALL OF THEM. The muscle that constricts the polyps closed, will protect zoanthid/paly from having all its chloroplasts killed.

Otherwise, you will kill whatever you dip open.
Did you follow the directions?
Make sure not to leave the zoas in the solution for too long!
Yes, they should be closed when dipped.
That way they should be able to reopen soon after dipping.

Try to use Lugol's solution instead.
I've tried Coral Rx and didn't have any problems, but I didn't use many times.
I had a sample from MACNA once.
I just don't want to become dependent on a "magic portion product" forever.
Besides, Lugol's always worked great for me, so...
I'm using based iodine medications for dips over 18 years and it's just great.
But this is the first time I'he heard about Coral Rx changing zoas' colors.
Good luck!
