Coral Trader List


New member

Here is the list of who is registered Coral traders for the June 13th frag swap at the Northwoods Banquet Center:

Paul Law (Paul's Corals)
Bill Davis (Midwest Saltwater)
Jason White (YZ Reef)
Meisen’s Frags (Meisen)
Bradley Birch (BBs Aquatics)
Chuck Campuzano (CHUCK)
Rob Chapman (Ontosrob)
Jim Strauss (2FarNorth)
Scott Zieglmeier (Ziggy's Corals)
Mark Moeller
Jeff & Sula (sparky & Sula)
Steve Koop (sticky)

We so far will have over 100’ of Coral traders with 1,000 + frags for your shopping pleasure!!! Many of the traders you probably recognize, all of the traders are experienced fraggers with beautiful & healthy coral frags at great prices! There will be something for everyone! Everything from the high-end collectibles to the more common beginner corals!

Don’t miss this frag swap! You are in for a great time!

Thinking about being a coral trader? Time and table space is rapidly running out! Don’t snooze and lose! Register Now!!!