Coralline algae NEVER grows in my tank


In Memoriam
Even after years of having Calc at 450-500ppm.....
Mag hovering around 1300-1500....
Alk prwtty stable at 8-10

.....i NEVER see any purplish coralline growth on glass walls....nothing on rocks.

I do this everytime I start a tank and I have it growing within weeks. I either get a rock or snail with nice coralline growing on it then hold it in front of my power head and scrape the rock with a knife. Seriously works everytime. I have coralline in a tank that’s probably only 3 months old or less.
Super annoying my tank is only set up for 6months and it's growing all over it's a pain in the *** be thankful lol

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Have you had any introduced into your system?
Such as on snails, frags. Etc?


Coralline isn't like a lot of nuisance algaes. It needs to be introduced to a system in order to take off. Without a seed, there won't be coralline.

If you have a friend with some, or go to a LFS, get a couple snails or hermits with coralline on them (or a small piece of rock). Scrape the coralline off with a knife, and then let the spores loose in front of a powerhead. It'll be growing like crazy in no time.

I did this with my dad's tank with seed from mine, and now he can't keep up with the damn stuff. You've been warned :)
I get an occasional spot that starts to grow and then dies off. It’s been introduced many times on snails and frags. Tank has been running for years with stable alk and kalk. NEVER grew in mine either.. 10 years no coraline.. UNTIL I dosed NaNO3 to raise NO3 a tad.. .and now it grows. Just my experience
All of my rocks look beautiful with coralline! So does the back and 1 side glass.

Lol, scraping it off the front and other side does take a razorblade.
We have a good CUC.
Coralline is the main reason I need to clean the glass every other week.

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everyone wants coraline until the actually get it.... but then again i despise the stuff now

I like it. Better than ugly looking rock. I can deal with scraping it off the glass and vinegar bathing my gear every once and a while. Nerite snail eggs though? Those can die in a fire.
I do this everytime I start a tank and I have it growing within weeks. I either get a rock or snail with nice coralline growing on it then hold it in front of my power head and scrape the rock with a knife. Seriously works everytime. I have coralline in a tank that’s probably only 3 months old or less.

Will the coraline that grows after this step be the same color as the scrapings?
Well for some months I was also not getting Coraline and then suddenly it starts to spreads a lot. Not sure that I did anything different. Maybe just waiting to have your parameters more stable and will happen
I have tons of it after only 18 months or so. Completely covering my back wall and rock. Even have it in my sump and media reactors - because I use a black light to light my sump because they are florescent/neon acrylic.

My understanding has always been that it is a good algae, reflecting healthy calcium levels and nitrate reduction.