coralline algae question


New member
Assuming coralline algae is growing good on a large piece of base rock in a "tank A", will lowering the salinity to hyposalinity affect the coralline algae on the rock ?

No inverts, just a coralline covered rock and a fish, its actually a 30 gallon QT.

Not sure which forum to ask this question...
Why would you want to lower the salinity? Are you shifting over to a brackish water tank? You should not lower the salinity of a reef tank. Steve.
Its a 30 gallon QT(quarantine tank). Lowering the salinity to hypo in order to kill all parasites. Normally it would be a bare tank with some pvc joints for cover for the quarantined fish, but I thought about buying one piece of LR covered with coralline and see if it survives the hyposalinity.