Corals bleaching


New member
So I went home from school for the weekend and got back tonight to find my kenya trees completely white and most of my other corals heading in that direction. I don't know what the cause would be as they were fine when i left on Friday. The only thing I can think of is that i regenerated my purigen earlier in the week ( followed the directions in the box 1:1 water to bleach) but i used a fritz guard dechlorinator and some sodium thiophosphate crystals overnight aftwards to ensure there wouldnt be any traces of chlorine. Would this potentially cause bleaching? I will do some water tests tomorrow to check the parameters (i dont have a chlorine test though). What else is recommended?.. water changes?

Thanks for any help.
I will place some good Activated Carbon in the system to remove any traces of anything and do a water change. Your corals may still die, but if there is anything you could have done to save them this is it.
Yea, I'm pretty sure that my nano was nuked a month and a half ago when I regenerated the purigen doing the same thing, except I used publix bleach, and used seachem's de-chlorinator/water purifier stuff in the red bottle (can't think of the name right now). I let it soak for like 3 days in the bleach until it was really really white, and then I let it soak for 4 days in a bowl of the de-chlorinator, changing the water in the bowl twice.

They say to smell the bag before you put it back in the tank and I did, it smelled like the gross seachem chemical treatment, not like chlorine. My 15 heads of candy cane coral were the only thing to die, while my montiporas bleached white a bit. I put a skimmer and phosban on the tank at the same time, so I wasn't sure of which one caused it, but now that someone else has had the same experience, I'm guessing it was from the purigen.

Oh well. At least my nano is getting it's color back, and now with the skimmer and phosban, the algae is finally coming under control.
Thanks reefwreak and roger. I guess after hearing your case it's safe to say it's probably from the purigen. I will do a water change and see how that helps out. From now on I'm definitely just going to buy a new bag of purigen when it needs to be replaced. $8 is not worth the corals dying.