Corals closing


Active member
I've THANKFULLY have never really had an issue with my tank, how ever it now seems that I have a few corals closing on me, It is a Hammer, a Frogspawn & a Colt. Last time I checked my water (about 2 weeks ago) the params were fine. Im going tomorrow to have my water checked again but if any one has any Idea what it could be & what I can do, I have done 2 5gal water changes this week to see if it helps but nothing. Here are a couple bad quick pics. Thank you.



not sure what u have in your tank as far as flow but one thing ive noticed for the frogspawn/hammer they tend to not like as much flow...not sure about the colt
Bernie do you use RO? And if you do, do you add prime or a dechlorinizer?
I know this sounds really basic but theres been more than one person this month that had similar problems and their params was perfect. It ended up that there was traces of chlorine and chloramine still in the RO. After adding prime, within a week the corals opened back up. I figure its worth a try and it cant hurt.
colts do not like a lot of flow either. I had a frogspawn in a medium flow area and moved it to a low flow area know they are going nuts!
I have a couple of rio 800s so I dont think flow is the issue. And if that were the case, why now after all these months w the same flow. I added PRIME to my RoDi, just incase. I put the 2 lobsters in a QT tank, to try to lower the bioloads. I did a water change & I added PH Buffer to try and raise the ALK. Tomorrow, I have my water tested to see what the problema is. Thanx for all the 411. hope it works.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12203306#post12203306 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by clockwurk
Bernie do you use RO? And if you do, do you add prime or a dechlorinizer?
I know this sounds really basic but theres been more than one person this month that had similar problems and their params was perfect. It ended up that there was traces of chlorine and chloramine still in the RO. After adding prime, within a week the corals opened back up. I figure its worth a try and it cant hurt.

that was exactly my probem..thank u clockwurk!!!

I did what I posted above, I added prime to my ROdi & raised my alk and took the two lobsters out and most of my corals seem to be making a come back & are opening wonderfully, hope fully they all come back.Thanks for the help every one!!
Hrm. I'm wondering if Miami is doing their yearly or bi-yearly heavy chlorination/chloramination... Anyone on their mailing list? I should be on the mailing list for Boca/palm beach, but I have not heard anything.