Active member
Cleaning up the tanks and need to make room. Pickup in Alhambra.
The ORIGINAL Japanese toadstool (from PGA7602) The mother colony is on the right. The frag on the left is for sale for $75.
BIG colony of pink boobies chalice. This is SUPER bright pink! $30.
Rarely seen green pectinia $25
Bright red cynarina, $100
Aussie green scoly (recovering very well), $30
Sent from my SM-A125U using Tapatalk
The ORIGINAL Japanese toadstool (from PGA7602) The mother colony is on the right. The frag on the left is for sale for $75.
BIG colony of pink boobies chalice. This is SUPER bright pink! $30.
Rarely seen green pectinia $25
Bright red cynarina, $100
Aussie green scoly (recovering very well), $30
Sent from my SM-A125U using Tapatalk