Corals turnign white?


New member
I have a red sea max that I upgraded to rapidled's a few months ago. After struggling to get everything working it has been great for the last 3 months or so. The corals seem to be enjoying the new lights and are growing for the most part. There are a few corals that seem to almost be getting bleached though. I acclimated all the corals with low intensity and slowing moving it up. Any thoughts on what could be causing this?
The Montipora is, two different ones. One looks like it is fading. The zoas are great, softies are good too. Anemone is fine. Seems like just the Monis but I also have a birdnest that looks a little light. I want to get more SPS but wanted to see if I had a problem before I do.
Which corals are bleaching? SPS, LPS, softies, zoas?

+1 - we need some more info - corals bleach for lots of reasons, not just light, could be temp or acidity. They expel the Xanthelle that provides them with food - this is the simple explanation - since the Xanthelle lend to their coral hosts both food AND color, their expulsion leaves the coral slightly brownish or white.

Luckily for you, the expulsion is a necessary condition for the sufficient condition of stress... so you know they are being stressed. But now you have to find out why... pictures would help along with your params.

Also, be sure not to confuse a bleaching event with tissue necrosis, but I'm sure you knew this already. Hence the need for pics.

Whats your nitrates at? If it is zero that happened to mine. Started with the monti's... all my sps turned completely white. I started heavy feeding of my fish and after about 7 months of nitrates in the 1-2ppm range, everything recovered and looks great...
I would love to post some pictures but not sure how to do that. Can anyone point me in the direction of a thread that shows where how to host and show them?

I will check all my params tonight and give an update as I did a water change yesterday.
are the montis fading more at the edges? you don't have much as far as sps which makes it harder based on the information given but just trying to rule out the nudis...