New member
Vendors - $150 (10x10 booth), plus a $50 club donation item.
Contact for more spaces Fragswap@corareef.org
Hobbyist Early Bird Setup 4' space with Electric -
$35 (CURRENT members) $50 (non members) Contact fragswapper@corareef.org
Day of Space 4' no electric $10
Available first come first serve, once the doors open for those wishing to sell/trade but do not need electricity. (no electric available for these spaces, and NO SETUPS/TANKS. You will be required to have corals in small containers or bags to utilize these spots). You will be limited to the table only.
Note: Swappers/vendors, per 4 foot space, you will be limited to 250 watts of light, a pump/filter and 1 heater(may have a second heater for vendors and early bird setup, just to warm the water initially but it must be removed before the event start time) - NO EXCEPTIONS - if you exceed the lighting limit you will be asked to turn the light off and you will forfeit any registration fee).
Early Bird swapper setups will also be limited to 15 gallons of water volume. Water volume will be checked using the L x W x H of your setup, and limit WILL BE ENFORCED. We had a few pretty unsafe setups that require us to monitor water volume more closely this year.
TO ALL SWAPPERS: Do not put items out in the isles in front of your tables. The isles were made wider to allow for more comfortable foot travel for those browsing the selection of live and hard goods. Putting used tanks, etc. in the isles, in front of your table space, is a safety issue, as well as a hindrance to foot traffic.
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