Cost of water


New member
I am wondering the cost per gallon from the utility co. I can't figure the bill.

I am ordering a new membrane for my rodi and saw the brs water saver upgrade kit. I was wondering if, cost wise, it makes sense. $54 for the kit. I figure it will last 2 years. But heck if I know what a gallon of h2o costs.

I live in davie but get sunrise water. I know I pay more than sunrise residents. But that's another story.
Doesn't your bill mention how much water was used? You should be able to figure it out with some math on your bill I believe.

I don't have my bill in front of me to make sure but think I could using my bill.

Might want to check to see if anyone has one for sale. Also ebay, they are usually cheaper.

As far as running 2 membranes (brs water saver kit) it depends on your water pressure. You really need to have good water pressure to push thru both membranes (45-50psi). We dont get those pressures in Coral Springs :(
Nope I was right...

My usage is 5 that means 5,000 gallons. They round to the 1000 gallons.

Water is $4.24 / 1000 gallons
Sewer is$4.41 / 1000 gallons
Total = $8.65 / 1000 gallons
$0.00865 per gallon.

I figure 1.5 gallons per day evaporation
+ 40 gallons per month is water changes
Total usage of RODI Water 85 gallons
For every gallon used there are 3 wasted. or 340 gallons per month total tank usage or $2.94 used in water.

If I save 1.5 gallons for each rodi gallon produced thats about 212 gallons used or 128 gallons saved for a savings of $1.10 per month.

ROI of in 45.5 months or 3 years 9 months. with a 3 year life of the second membrane the cost analysis fails. It does not pay for me to get the second membrane at current water costs.

I will not get the water saver. Did anyone get it and compare their savings?