Since you mention a Regal, I would say a regal is a much more delicate fish. Hard to get to eat, acclimate, ship, qt, treat, etc...therefore condition.
These anthias-Odontanthias borbonius eat right out of the bag after importation (within hours). Aggressive eaters when with their own. When in a community tank larger specimens are shy when around other fish their size or larger. They will hang out in caves or under over hangs. Small specimens seem not effected by the other fish and do superb when with fish of their size.
The most I had in one tank was 17 (6ft-100 gallon tank). Feeding was like throwing bread crumbs into a gold fish pond.......a lot of darting through the water. A major feeding frenzy. Larger specimens seem to be in command with their own. Not much fighting but a bit of bumping and fin displaying. There was never any damage.
From my experience I would say that these fish are more comfortable together in these large numbers. I would not say that they form tight schools but do seem to be quite social with each other. Singles, pairs, and trios do fine together as long as one is large and others are small.
Sorry, I can not comment on the sex of these fish.
These are extremely hardy fish. Aggressive eaters and once conditioned

no problems with shipping or acclimation to your tank. To date I have shipped 28 and have had no shipping problems. I have received around 40 and only had one with what I believe had decompression problems on importation.
I hope that answers your questions.