Crazy Colony


New member
thanks Chris for identifying my crazy colony as a Reef Raft piece. It should be fun selling little bits of it for 150 each ;)
I am astonished that nobody picked that up, Chad. Aside from the fact that it's worth ten times what you were asking for it, it's down right stunning. :)
Don't worry Chris there are a mess of irrational people in Tampa too.

I still can't wrap my head around how easy people over pay for corals. Maybe they should get out in the ocean themselves and realize there are football fields after football fields of even endangered corals littering the oceans.

Maybe they should go to traveling shows to see the corals all the high price (criminals in my opinion) are selling that use camera trickery to get people to pay retarded prices. They are just corals. Same exact colors that we have had in our tanks for over 20 years.
What I find amazing is that people are willing to spend zillions on a pubic hair frag but won't spend the $$ for a few things that make the tanks stable, like a good controller, or a good skimmer, or a solid way to keep 3 part in check whether it be CaRx or dosing or.... Look at the "bounce mushrooms" .... *** is that all about?

Anyway, I guess "to each is to own" :), not me. I have all I can do to afford this hobby as it is!!