Cryptic Fuge vs. Macro Fuge


New member
Just wanting to get everyones opinion on which they use and why. Are you using it for a food source or a mean of nutriet export, or both. Or any opinions on these. I'm getting ready to set up a 150 sps tank with 75 gl fuge, and leaning towards the cryptic. Didnt know if there would be any benefits from one to the other. Any info would be great. Thanks
Cryptic would be a darkened fuge, using sponges/tunicates/dusters as opposed to macro algae.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6679609#post6679609 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by causeofhim
Sinse I went bare bottom on my SPS tank, I have no use for a fuge. So, I dont use one.
I am curious as to how having a bare bottom tank negates the usefulness of any type of refugium? Please explain.
"I am curious as to how having a bare bottom tank negates the usefulness of any type of refugium? Please explain."

Since the purpose of a bare bottom tank is to remove nutrients before they can be broken down, a fuge would not be able to thrive in such a (hopefully) nutrient-starved tank. The nutrients normally used by macroalgaes and filter feeders in a typical fuge are now taken out by heavy skimming.
Sinse a BB tank that is run properly, is very heavily skimmed and all excess nutrients are taken out of the water column, there is no need for macro algae to do the same thing. Many succesful BB people have had trouble growing macros in their sump/fuge.
as stated above, you will have some difficulty growing the macros in a bb system. So no, it won't hurt, but it probably won't grow either.
So what your saying is a tank with a DSB can't have low nutrients?

I run a DSB w/out a fuge and have 0 excess nutrients.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6683794#post6683794 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by johnvu713
but it wouldnt hurt to have one would it?

It could because it potentially creates more places for nutrients to get trapped. Yes the algae could use that as fertilizer but then what's the point, just an extra tank with extra equipment with extra maintenance that you don't need :)

Properly done it wouldn't hurt no, but with a properly done BB system there wouldn't be enough nutrients in the water for the algae to grow either.
I grow Macro in my fuge :) there is also a healthy population of shrimp and pods that might make their way to the display [gravity drains to tank]

I grow the "cryptic" in the basement :smokin: j/k... or am I ???
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6686260#post6686260 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by PUGroyale
I grow the "cryptic" in the basement :smokin: j/k... or am I ???

you must have cryptic confused with chronic :lol:
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6686226#post6686226 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jsbzmcdaniel
So what your saying is a tank with a DSB can't have low nutrients?

I run a DSB w/out a fuge and have 0 excess nutrients.

If you can get high flow, to keep the detrius from settling, and you skim heavily there would be reason you couldn't do the same with a DSB system.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6686234#post6686234 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by orion76
It could because it potentially creates more places for nutrients to get trapped. Yes the algae could use that as fertilizer but then what's the point, just an extra tank with extra equipment with extra maintenance that you don't need :)

Properly done it wouldn't hurt no, but with a properly done BB system there wouldn't be enough nutrients in the water for the algae to grow either.

Who says a cryptic fuge can't have high flow.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6686503#post6686503 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by orion76
you must have cryptic confused with chronic :lol:

You know whats funny? The tank would be the perfect front. Getting shipments of big lights and bottles of 'coral food' to your house. Oh, its the tank.
Bright lights in your house?
Oh its the tank.
400$ a month power bill?
Oh its the tank.
Large signiture on a IR screen?
Oh its the tank.
The sticky icky?
Oh thats the DANK.