cs3 tutorial(s)?


Alleged Lounge Moron
time for me to climb the ramp of yet another learning curve, I installed CS3 last night.

are there any good tutorial sites that anyone can reccomend, or is it best just to "get my hands dirty" and slog my way thru it?

thanks in advance
The best by far is Lynda.com

This is a subscription service that costs a whopping $25/mo but you can learn an awful lot in a month. I have been using it for 2 months and my plan is absorb as much as I can in 4 months, then use a good book or the manual for reference.

Check it out, there are lots of free examples. The tutorial disk that came with your CS3 also has some tutorials from lynda.com.

I have been doing the "dive right in"

Did you use photoshop before?

There are some tutorials at the Adobe site as well.
I did a lot of the "dive right in" but will probably be picking up a book shortly. There are plenty of free resources on the web if you know specifically what you want to do in CS3.

I LOVE CS3 compared to previous versions of PS that I have used. So many options....loving every minute of it despite the fact I have no idea currently how to use like 85% of the program!!!
Thanks for the tips, I'll check them out

I took a series of sunset shots last night & played with them in cs3 for a while, wow the things I could do!
Sunset from last evening (no PP)

Same photo, played with, with cs3 (wow I have a lot to learn)

no PP