I can give you my real simple technique that I have used over the years. Basically takes very little work.
1) Get the rotifers and Algae paste from reef nutrition
2) A five Gallon Bucket and an air pump for equipment
3) Put the rotifers in the 5G bucket with saltwater SG around 1.18 to 1.22 and bubble the air through it.
4) Feed algae past, enough to keep the water green
5) When it clear, feed again
Every 4 weeks or so (or when the mulm at the bottom gets really bad), start up a new bucket using the rotifers from the old one.
I do not even use a heater, and the rotifer buckets are in my basement.
I usually have 2 buckets going, just so I have back up in case something goes wrong with one culture.
We are not trying to raise high density cultures, so this is enough for home breeding.