Curlique Anemone


New member
Anyone want one, or two? I have a couple where heads are probably about the size of a quarter, and a couple smaller ones.
Probably going to be a tough sell, they're related to aiptasia, and tend to reproduce quickly and sting other tank inhabitants. I don't think they're considered "reef safe". They are kind of neat looking though.
I'v e a couple that are gorgeous, but when I asked for one and the guy sent me 6 I should have known better.

They're not a problem in the tank, I just don't need 6 of them. And didn't know if anyone else would want one. No biggie
Yeah, really it just depends on what's in your tank. I have a condylactus anemone that most people would not keep because of their roaming, but it's in a tank with a lunare wrasse, a coral beauty, and an eel, so I think it's fine. I might be a little leary if I housed it with some expensive corals, but as is, it's fine. Where are you in Delaware?
I'm in new Castle.

I think that is the same as my other anemone. I can't remember what it was listed as in the LFS and Condi is as close as I can get to a description. Never had a problem with that one either, 'cept that it has recently gotten pretty large. I added a RBTA last week and they are all getting along pefectly.

I'm starting to think I have a thing for anemones. :D
Very nice, my condy's pretty large as well, probably 10"x10" depending on the day. I saw somewhere that maroon clowns would sometimes host in a condy, I have a maroon in my 55, but I'm a little afraid to switch him.

Anyone have any first hand knowledge of this?

I was hoping to meet a couple of reefers down this way, I'm in Dover.