Current pumps: Difference between Min/Max duration and Wave duration?????????


Premium Member

I have been playing around lots with my profilux lately :) I have to say I absolutely love it so far.

I just got my tunze 6101 responding to it. Set the voltages to be 3 - 8v.

I was a bit confused by some of the settings though:

In profiluxcontrol, under the current pumps, next to the 'mode' (random, surge, etc) there is a Min-max duration. These settings make sense to me and adjusting them does something I can tell.

But then down next to the 'wave mode' (sinus, right angle etc), there is another field for "Duration".

I am completely confused by why there is a duration for waves and also a duration under mode?????? I changed wave duration but couldn't tell if it did anything.

I looked in the manual and from the description they say they're the same exact thing.... the duration of the waves!!

Can somebody please help me understand the difference here? (I know most of the support is offline right now, but some of you users have to know :D )

bonus shot:


Ryan --pretty neat and very neat, too.

The WAVES section of the screen determines the length of time the tunze is on before it changes.

Under the Current Pumps, the MINIMUM/MAXIMUM determines what it changes to. So if you have one pump on for .8 seconds at 100% MAXIMUM and after .8 seconds it drops to 30%, and you set it for right angle, short, you will have a nice wave in a 6' tank.

If that makes sense, okay. If not, LMK and I'll send you a screen shot.

Check out this thread:

I am not referring to the min/max power. I am talking about the Min Max DURATION

and then direcetly underneath is a duration for waves (without min/max).

They are both on the same tab. I'd send a screenshot too, but my upstairs computer isn't connected and thus doesn't have that tab in profiluxcontrol.
Ryan, you're not using 4.01. LOL
Update your software to the most current 4.01 and those two Max/Min items will be gone and so will the confusion.
doh :) ok I hadn't updated yet because I wanted to at least learn to use it before I fry it doing the update wrong :) didnt know that had changed.

I just hook up my wavebox and 2 x tunze 6201 in my Peninsular set-up...any recommended settings to get the best possible wave?? I'm now to GHL