Custom 180 Reef Tank , Over $5k Invested Melbourne, FL


New member
Not sure If I want to do this yet, putting some feelers out their , It's going to break my heart breaking down this tank. I have close to 25 fish in it, huge Anenomes, star fish, 100's of crabs, all kinds of stuff. We have a 25' Cabin boat we sleep on the weekends with, and take the puppy , and also a 30' camper we go away the weekends with also. Weekends I'm not boating or camping, I'm getting back into scuba diving. Way to many other hobbies and not enough time to keep my 180 and 60 rimless up and running.

Here's what I have. Everything was bought new and less then 1 year old. Tank is 72" long, 24" wide, 26" high

Aqueon 180 Reef tank with Dual overflows running Herbie style plumbing, for a silent free system. You can hear a pin drop next to the tank it's so quite.
Furniture grade stand I built myself, took me 40 hours to build, sand, stain , 4 coats of clear poly on the stand

Refugium is a 20H on stand, with gravity fed into return area. It's Tee'd off my return. The center tank is a 40 gallon breeder, with 1/4 glass for baffles, polished . The skimmer and return go here
The tank on the right is my ATO tank, which is a 20H also, Last all most 2 weeks

The return pump I just bought 2 weeks ago, is a brand new Reef Octopus RO DC5500, cost me $300.00. I have the Reef Octopus DC5500 which is 1 year old also running my SW mixing station

The skimmer is a Aquamaxx ConesS-3 with a 8" cup. This skimmer is a beast. It's the best skimmer out their for the money hands down. I love this skimmer

Lights a LED Reef breeder Protons' fully progamable. They run themselves, sunrise to sunset. I have a Reef Breeder 48" Proton and 24 " Proton above the tank. Lights are close to $1K alone and 10 months old

Power heads are two Jebao RW15's

Theirs a ton of stuff living in the sand, horseshoe crabs, zebra looking snails, I forget the name, sandsifting gobies, start fish, all kinds of stuff

Live rock has Coroline all over it, some base rock mixed with Fuji Premium about 200lbs

Fish are , 1 large sailfin, 1 large Foxface, 1 large Kole Tang, 1 large Yellow tang, 4 clowns, 2 pairs or two. The black and white clowns hosted to the longtip Anenome, so they would need to stay togehter, The two orange and white clowns are also paired togther. Theirs a huge banded shrimp, sperpant star big one living in the rocks, lawn mower blenny, San sifting Goby, a bunch of cardinals that keep having baby's, a bunch of schooling fish which are2 differnt types of Chromis ,about 12 of them of them at least, a beautilful large black and blue, white Damsele, and more, lots of fish. They all get along great in the tank, theirs no picking on each other, and no stress.

Also a Apex JR on the tank

Here's my thoughts:

Take the whole set up for $2,500.00. tank, stand, LED lights, fish, coral, sand, sumps, return pump, simmer , power heads, Apex JR with Temp, everything as tank sits

Or I will only break down the tank, knowing I have it sold an sell 180 Reef Tank, Custom stand, all the sumps and plumbing, For $1,000.00 . NO SKIMMER< RETURN PUMP ETC OR $1,500.00 WILL INCLUDE THE RETURN PUMP DC5500 AND AQUAMXX CONES S3 SKIMMER, NOTING ELSE, $1,500.00 , OR TAKE, ALL, LED LIGHTS, APEX JR, FISH , CORAL, ROCK, EVERYHING $2,500.00

180 reef tank dual overflows, furniture grade stand, 2 sumps, plus ATO tank, all the plumbing for a silent free system, Reef Octopus DC5500 return pump and skimmer, NO Lights, NO Apex, NO Powerheads for $1,500.00. The 180 tank cost me $1K, a few hundred to build the stand, $200 in plumbing, Skimmer was $450.00 and return pump was $300.00, plus all the sumps, and tanks, 40 hours of building the stand alone. Theirs close to $3K right their

LED lights $400 for the 48" LED Proton, $300 for the 24" Proton

Reef Octopus RO DC Retrun pump $200, bought new 2 weeks ago

Apex Jr $200.00 bougth new 2 weeks ago

All the fish in the tank $400 with all the coral and Anenomes, crabs, star fish, everything living in the tank. Theirs 2 huge leathers, plate coral, 2 huge rock Anemones, LPS, sponges, etc

Live rock $2.00lb or $250 for all the rock in the tank

2 Jeabo RW 15's $150 for the pair, or $85 a pc

Text 321-288-3073

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Lots of. PMs , a little confusion on what's included. The RODI unit and SW mixing station is not included. After the 180 tank, and 60 rimless tank are sold, we are going to set up one 90 cube rimless and get down to one manageable tank

Here's what's included on the 180 :

Aqueoun dual overflow 180 reef tank, 1 year old bought new for $1,095.00

One custom stand, cost would be $1k for a cabinet shop to make, cost me $400 with all the material and 40 plus hours to make

Brand new Reef Octopus RODC 5500 return pump, 3 weeks old , cost $300

Aquamaxx ConeS-3 skimmer, a year old, cleans up like brand new, cost new was $450

Tunze 3155 ATO , cost $200

Apex JR that I just put on it, had a full Apex on it before, Apex JR cost me $250 last month

Reef breeders fully programmable LED's , one 48" Proton, and one 24" proton, together cost $900.00 both bought new come with a 2 year warranty

1-20 gallon high Refugium, 1-40 Breeder with glass baffles, 1-20 high ATO TANK, WITH all the plumbing, gate valves for Herbie plumbing, everything ran close to $500

2- Jebao RW15 power heads just put on last month, cost $200 new

150lbs of Fuji Premium Live Rock, I paid $500 at a LFS and another 50 plus pounds of base rock which ran $75

8 bags of sand $200

25 different fish, coral, a huge long tip Anenome which was $80 alone, 2 huge Rock Anemone , star fish, horse shoe crabs, gobys, lawn mower blenny, 100's of crabs and snails, large CUC, and about $100 of Pods dumped into the system over the past year, theirs over $500 between all the live stock and coral etc

Misc stuff like 300 titanium heater, Par38 LED Refugium fixture, etc

Here's a break down prices :

Package 1 : All that above, the complete set up, live stock and everything for $2,500.00

Package 2 : $2,000.00 takes everything including LED lights , all equipment, does not include the live rock, and live stock, coral, fish, includes all the equipment

Package 3 : $1,500.00 WILL INCLUDE THE 180 and stand , all the sumps, plumbing , RETURN PUMP, DC5500 AND AQUAMXX CONES S3 SKIMMER, Tunze ATO , NOTING ELSE, $1,500.00 ( No LED Lights or Live Stock )

Package 4 : 180 Reef tank, Stand, All the plumbing, and sumps, no equipment , $1,000.00
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