Custom Sump/Refugium/QT/Frag Wanted


New member
Anyone know someone I can have build me a custom setup that will house the following...

I want a large 2 tiered acrylic or glass setup that will hold my sumps on the bottom then another layer above that will have a large frag tank, large refugium and some QT tanks/Holding tanks...

and have room to mount all the pumps, lights and other things that go along with them.

I expect this thing to have a footprint of something like 4x8 or 5x8 or something like that. I will want a total water volume of this thing to be around 600-800 gallons.

Any suggestions or interest please let me know.

I really want a unique item. I want something that just really handles everything for the fish room and will make people say WOW when they come by and see it.
I really like how that had the shelfs and stuff for frags... I am thinking that I want 3 levels....

A bottom level to be something like 3'x7'x24" just to hold live rock and be a large sump...
then a stand that sits above that and holds something like 4'x8' with a large refugium (like 100-150 gallons on the fuge) a couple of drainable QT tanks (I saw this part a Norm's it was awesome. fill off system and drain out when done) maybe 3 (so I can QT on different cycles). and then another stand holding a water mixing area above the QT area that will mix about 150 gallons.

I figure I can make the stands easy enough and that the other parts will be seperate actually but all go together. On a large stand. I am thinking the stand will actually look somewhat tiered and I could mount my Sequence pumps on the wood part then set all the other things reactors skimmer etc on the lower level by the sumps.

All said and done I expect the stand to have a footprint of roughtly 6'x8'.

I am wondering on the middle part with the fuge and frag tank and QT tanks... How deep should I go? I see a good deal of frag tanks real shallow like 8" but I am thinking like 18" or even 24" for water volume and debth for the fuge portion and QT portions....

I could make the frag area shallower and have the fuge waterfall down into it like the one you had in the like vike. That was pretty neat and you would get lots of critters moving into the frag an ultimately into the system that way.