Cut tips of birdsnest?


New member
A while back I had a Cyano outbreak, which smothered my birdsnest in a few spots. I've since gotten rid of the cyano, but the dead spots on my birdsnest have been covered with a bit of GHA I think as well as some vermentid snails. It's been probably 2-3 months since I've gotten rid of the cyano, but my birdsnest still hasn't recovered. Seems to be having difficulties growing over the algea and snails.

Should I cut off the dead spots and let it grow back, or let it be and hope it heals?


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I've had success with smaller colonies growing back but had to keep water quality pristine and pick away the GHA everyday..... Bigger colonies would be difficult to do this since it's harder to get into the inner parts of the colony to pick away the GHA.

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What di you do to pick away at the GHA? finger tips or maybe a soft toothbrush? The length of the GHA is short, but seems to be enough to keep the birdsnest from being able to grow back. I even have a hermit that decided to live in the birdsnest that often eats at the GHA.
What di you do to pick away at the GHA? finger tips or maybe a soft toothbrush? The length of the GHA is short, but seems to be enough to keep the birdsnest from being able to grow back. I even have a hermit that decided to live in the birdsnest that often eats at the GHA.

I used plastic blunt tip tweezers to get it to a manageable level. You can't get all of it but if you're keeping pristine water and run some gfo/phosgaurd it will eventually die off from lack of nutrients. Turn the skimmer up and if you've got an algea scrubber that will help a lot too.

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