Cyano break out on sand


New member

I have a weird problem here.

I have what I believe to be cyano breakout on my sand.

The weird thing here is that a few hours after my lights come on it mostly disappears. It seems to flair up only in the dark.

It also seemed to get worse after my last water change. I do have an RO unit and my TDS gauge was reading 0 on the output but maybe that's not accurate. I did replace the membrane as it was over a year old just to be safe.

The tank has been setup for over a year and I never had a problem till just the last few weeks.

I know water parameters will be requested and I have a Ultra low phosphate checker and Nitrate test kits on order. I am running GFO.

I also grow chaeto in my sump on an opposite lighting schedule from the DT.

This is a 100 gallon system with over 100lbs of live rock and tons of flow. I have two power heads rated at 4100gph on full blast on a wave timer alternating back and forth to simulate waves so this is not a matter of low flow.

Last time I tested my phosphate was a little high but not brutal and Nitrate tested 0. This all seemed to happen after I added chaeto and started lighting my sump.

I know I am not giving much to go on. Maybe once my test kits arrive I can answer my own question but any help on the matter at this point would be much appreciated even with the limited info.
Yep, that's weird. Can you post pics, one taken just after lights come on, and one just before lights go off? Make sure to turn down the blue lights, so color is accurate.
Thanks for the response Michael.

I will upload some pictures tomorrow just before the lights come on and then later just before they go off.

Thanks again.
I was going to post some pictures as requested but I went in and removed the top layer of sand that was all red. The sand was clumped together and I was able to get it out with a slotted aquarium shovel. That really seemed to help as thus far it looks way better then did.

Maybe it's not cyano and something else?