

I've been battling cyano/redslime for about a month now. I've done several water changes and used peroxide injections as well as added a protein skimmer. The following week I used the vodka method and this week I've done 2 days of the sugar method. As of 2 days ago my nitrates are were down to 0ppm as well as amonia, nitrites, phosphates, and silicates. I only feed frozen emerald entree every other day just enough for my fish to consume in under 3 minutes. My Kessils are on 11 hours per day with dawn to dusk effects to gradually increase and decrease intensity. When I got home last night I notice cyano growing back rapidly and green algae on the glass. Why am I still having issues?? It's getting so frustrating as I try to clean daily.
Please help!!! Any suggestions?????
I haven't tried that yet. Should I have to reset my Kessils to acclimation mode after trying that to avoid shocking my corals?
Get some 25 micron socks from FAOIS and some water to test because there is a different form of nitrates and Phos that your test isn't picking up. Once you get those socks disturb your sandbed daily and replace the sock.
I don't have socks I'm using a HOB until I complete my sump build. I keep a bag of chemi pure elite in it and I have been changing the poly filter weekly but didn't think about disturbing the sandbed....will do thanks
I have used Boyd Chemiclean Red Slime Cyano Bacteria Remover in the past. Works great. However if you don't find the reason you have cyano in the first place will will probably just come back.
Hiw big of a skimmer what the size of your tank. All those things you done are just a bandaid you need ti fix the issue. You need to starve your tank lots of.water.chamges and make sure your skimmer is rated atleat couple gallons more than your tank I recommend at 50 gallons your bio load is out of wack and needs to be fixed.
This is my experience, I had Dino for the longest time. what fixed it was I STOP dosing vinegar. I do run bio-pellets(half what is recommended) and gfo. I also run 200 mico socks and change them everyday. Also I run a skimmer that is rated for twice my water volume. My NO3 and Po4 is Zero. The way I understand is dino will feed off of inorganic po4, and GFO is the best way to get rid of it. Like I said this is just my thoughts and what has worked for me.
I have a 44 gallon with a Tunze skimmer rated for up to 65 gal. This is day 2 of my blackout and I've started feeding once every 3 days instead of every 2.