Cyanobacteria growing fast!!

Tim Hawkins

New member
I have a 90g. tank with110 lbs. of newly cured live rock. I introduced 3 blue green chromis last Sat. I have about 1500 g.p.h. of water circulation in the tank. Its grown on most of the rosk and starting to grow on the sand. I've scrubbed it off and it comes back in a day or two. Nitrate is under 15ppm with no ammonia or nitrite detectable. The guy at the l.p.s. said its fairly normal and should be left to work itself out. Any advise???
Do you have a skimmer. It helps alot. Red legged hermits eat the stuff too. As do most snails used in cleaner packages.

Cynobacteria will always be present it's just a matter of controlling it. They're harmless when the populations are in check. Time does mellow out the population though.
I have a seaclone skimmer that stopped producing foam about two weeks ago when the live rock cured. I assumed it was because there was no waste in the tank. It has been cleaned and appears to be operating normaly. I know I need a better skimmer though. What would be a good population of snails and hermit crabs for my 90??
I use 1 snail per gallon and 1 hermit per 5 gallons or so. I find that I have to replace my snails fairly often due to hermits picking them off for their shells.