Cycling new tank


New member
I am 5 days in cycling a new tank which I started with AF Reef Salt. Ammonia has dropped from 4ppm to 1 and there are still traces of Nitrite. My Nitrates have tested at close to 100 ppm with 2 different test kits. Possibly from the life sand I used. My LFS has provided me with Probiotic reef salt but warned me to be careful doing too large a water change as they can sometimes cause a bacteria bloom. I would like to get Nitrates down around 10-20 ppm to start so on a 180 gallons total volume what kind of water change schedule would you recommend before I introduce fish and coral into the tank?

I plan on using biopellets in a media reactor with heavy skimming and carbon pellets as my main methods of nutrient export and filtration. None of them are online at the moment while the initial cycle continues.
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For sure Probiotic Reef Salt is excelent choice to reduce NO3 (and PO4 as well). If you don't have fish and corals you can make bigger water changes - for example 20% every 3 days.

Best regards,
I am happy to report that the tank is doing very well after 3 weeks and I have already put in fish and some of the hardier corals. Stylophora, Millepora, a purple Bonzai an acan small colony and neon trumpet. The fish are all happy. The corals have some of the best PE I have seen in a long time and the parameters of the tank are dialing in very nicely. Ca 425 ppm, Mg 1360 ppm, Alk 7.8 dkh, NO3 - 5ppm, P04 - 0.04. I have done 3 water changes with Aquaforest Probiotic Reef Salt and I believe it has been instrumental in reducing nitrates from initial measurements of 25 ppm. My wife can attest based on the smell of the skimmate. I had no detectable Phosphates to start so I am happy to be in an acceptable range and not in the realm of dinoflagellates. So far I am impressed with the AF probiotic salt for the startup. I was already sold on the Reef Salt as nothing I have used previously mixes so easily and may rturn to it after cycle or alternate between them based on tank conditions.
I am happy to report that the tank is doing very well after 3 weeks and I have already put in fish and some of the hardier corals. Stylophora, Millepora, a purple Bonzai an acan small colony and neon trumpet. The fish are all happy. The corals have some of the best PE I have seen in a long time and the parameters of the tank are dialing in very nicely. Ca 425 ppm, Mg 1360 ppm, Alk 7.8 dkh, NO3 - 5ppm, P04 - 0.04. I have done 3 water changes with Aquaforest Probiotic Reef Salt and I believe it has been instrumental in reducing nitrates from initial measurements of 25 ppm. My wife can attest based on the smell of the skimmate. I had no detectable Phosphates to start so I am happy to be in an acceptable range and not in the realm of dinoflagellates. So far I am impressed with the AF probiotic salt for the startup. I was already sold on the Reef Salt as nothing I have used previously mixes so easily and may rturn to it after cycle or alternate between them based on tank conditions.

That's great to see that you are happy with results! Thank you for review!