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Alright, so my ? is ... Yellow tailed Damsels ... how well will they get along with other fish? i want 2-3 groups of smaller fish (Damsel size) then 1 or 2 larger fish ... i love the way the yellow tails look ... right now i have 2 of em with 4 green chromis ... ive been told they are the least aggressive, if thats the case ill buy more so i have a even number of each smaller species of fish ... input?
Alright, so my ? is ... Yellow tailed Damsels ... how well will they get along with other fish? i want 2-3 groups of smaller fish (Damsel size) then 1 or 2 larger fish ... i love the way the yellow tails look ... right now i have 2 of em with 4 green chromis ... ive been told they are the least aggressive, if thats the case ill buy more so i have a even number of each smaller species of fish ... input?

Always had bad luck with them, They can become extremely territorial and kill any new fish additions. Beware.
same here, damsels create aggressive stress in the tank, even the chromis can get territorial. Getting them out won't be so easy either, they're crafty fish.
I put 3 damsels in my tank when I first started cycling and in less than a week 1 had killed the other two. IMO I would skip damsels, they're mean, territorial and difficult to get out of your tank. Look into Chromis, I have heard they are good fish, better then damsels!
I have a Yellow Tail, a Fire Clown, and a False Perc in my tank and they are doing fine. 5+ months of no deaths or disease. I guess the scape in the tank and the size matters. They do let each other know when they cross into each others territory but the only lasts maybe 2-3 seconds.

I will be trying to rid my tank of them and go with larger fish. I am waiting for my sister in law to get her bigger tank so she can take them. They are cool little fish (I will keep the False Perc) but I want some larger fish.
Ah .... well if they are that much of a pain, they will be getting a new home..which id like to call the toilet bowl. But on a better note of things, i did pick up a Clarkii Clown..yellow, black and white...hes a pretty cool lil feller, until he gets caught in the current, then it seems as if he has a mini seizure lol
LOL! Give it time and he may play in the powerheads. Mine used to get pushed around until he figured out he can ride the current. Now he does that randomly throughout the day. Clowns are pretty cool fish.
I have 4 yellowtails, and they pretty much mind their own business. They each have their own spot staked out in the tank and don't bother/get bothered by any of the other fish.
I have 2 in a 20g high, not the best of friends but they get along. Theres no other fish in the tank and if I want to get them out it easy since it's only 20g. I think they're very personable, come out in the open and they eat really good.
My first rule of damsel keeping is never keep them without a fish that will eat them.

I don't know what's going on with chromis lately. They used to be easy, well mannered fish. Lately it seems they just attack each other until the group is whittled down to one. They are also dying like flies when still in the QT; often carrying uronema, a deadly parasite.
I think it always depends on the individual fish, although damsels are known to be mean little buggers, I have had some that were model citizens, too. Not many.

You can always give it a try, with the knowledge you may need to move them to a different tank (or trade them in). The good news is damsels seem to always be in demand in LFS world.
The 2 that i have in my tank, they leave things alone (which i why i wanted to get a few more, they do look amazing in the tank) but if i have the chances of getting some mean booger, then well ill not bother...
Well anytime you buy a fish you are basically chancing getting a mean lil booger. Heck, you can get a clown fish and it turn out to be the biggest a**hole in the tank.
I've had yellow tails, azure and pink damsels. They have behaved nicely in my tank. They haven't really bothered any of the other fish
You're going to have a hard time finding interesting fish that will "group" in more than two. A male and female together is usually fine, but throw another in the tank and it will probably get harassed to death. Some types of cardinals will, anthias.. but not many others that i can think of.