Dead Dry Live ROCK! I'm not Kidding!


New member
I'm looking to start my new 46G Bow in the next three weeks, and I'm trying to $ave $ome Money!

I'm looking for Dead and Dry Live Rock that you might have sitting out there in your Garage or in a box somewhere. I'm not looking for DENSE BASE ROCK, for that, I can always walk downstairs and break off a piece of the sidewalk! LOL! I am looking for very light and pourous Dead Live rocks. If you have any Big Pieces, then I'm in Heaven. Looking to pay a dollar a pound and will pick it up! Please let me know!

Thank You!

I don't know the current condition of it, but I have a pile (prob. about 50 lbs or so) outside my patio. Just lugged it out there and am debating what to do with it. Some came from the hubby's 29g when it crashed after two hurricanes, so it has some wicked dried algae on it. It's yours if you wanna get it from Oakland Park (Oakland/31st).

The only issue I would think would be any phosphates deep in the rocks...sometimes it takes quite a long time for it to leach out of old dead rock like this.

And it is the very porous type of rocks...we always search out that kind.
i've got a bunch of rocks that are pretty much baseball sizes...probably about 30 rocks. too small for my tank though, thought about glueing them together, but ended up having enough rock as is. I've also got a couple rocks in my sump, but they've got corals on em so you'd have to wait till your tank cycled.


:D To answer your very astute and technically savy question, well... you can't! LOL! Just kidding! I just did that to attract as many curious onlookers as possible so that I can get some very nice dead dry rock. Not Base rock, Not dense crap rock, but very porous and light dry rock that was probably alive in someone's tank at one time or another!

I hope this answer satisfies your inquiry.

Ok, now let's move on to the topic of World Peace.... :D

It's SuperBowl Sunday Ya'll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Super Bowl? What's that? I have a hint for everyone based on that...if you want to buy something on eBay and the auction ends during the super bowl, you may be able to get it for much lower than normal! I do the same during the world series...although with less success. Got a nice little Nikon for $160 when it normally went for over $200 during one Super Bowl a few years ago.
MiamiLuis -

Fish's Paradise 4200 W. Hallandale Beach Blvd. (1 mile west of I-95) 954-961-5050.... sells all their dry reef base rock for $1 a pound plus 6% sales tax in Broward..... if that's not too far from you?

Fish Collection on 163rd Street usually has a box full. I'm pretty sure it's $1/lb. Just ask them where it is if you can't spot it....