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Heres the story. My ricordea florida was doing great. I tested my water today, and noticed my calcium was on the low side. So, I added the proper amount of SeaChem Reef Calcium. Heres where I think I messed up...I added it to the tank into the blast of the pump, to get it to dissolve well and fast. The ricordea is undernearth the pump, and I think concentrated calcium could have come in contact with it.
About 2 minutes later (when I noticed), every little bubble and tentacle along the rim of it was deflated and contracted alot. It did not shrivel up. Its been about 10 minutes and it seems to not be as "hard," as in its blowing in the current again. Bubbles, however, are not reinflated. Advice?
About 2 minutes later (when I noticed), every little bubble and tentacle along the rim of it was deflated and contracted alot. It did not shrivel up. Its been about 10 minutes and it seems to not be as "hard," as in its blowing in the current again. Bubbles, however, are not reinflated. Advice?