Did I just injured my zoas?


New member
I was adjusting a piece of huge rock before it fell right onto my small colony of zoas. It directly hit onto two of them, and they're looking short and swollen now. Will they be alright?
Hey Grandis, I also accidentally squished my thumb into a frag of them and all there water shot out and they were flat and terrible. They have recovered and are doing good now. Have you ever accidentally killed any by squishing? Is there maybe like a somewhat reliable indicator that hints one way or another?
Hey Grandis, I also accidentally squished my thumb into a frag of them and all there water shot out and they were flat and terrible. They have recovered and are doing good now. Have you ever accidentally killed any by squishing? Is there maybe like a somewhat reliable indicator that hints one way or another?

No, IME they die only if bacterial infection takes place.
Yeah, I had millions of accidents like that, of course...
That happens a lot when I collect them too.
Most of the time they come back to normal. The time fame will depend on the injury and/or the type of zoanthid.
Please be careful with palytoxin when handling your zoas. Try to use glove as much as possible!!


Speaking of which, off topic, why is the colour of my zoas so dull?

Currently, using a 3w (27w 10,000k+blue), is it not enough?
Temperature 26-27degree
Water parameters normal..
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Probably low light.
After they adapt to the system and have a bit more light they will probably show more colors.
They aren't looking bad though.
Go slow with the light.
