Did my interceptor treatment today....


Reef Reef Reef Reef Reef
Premium Member
So far so good, no sign of the bugz, the emerald crabs were lookin a little screwy for awhile, and the cleaner shrimp looks like a druggy burnout... but they're still alive. Did a 20%, will do another 10% tomorrow... put in new carbon, cleaned out the skimmer while I was at it...

One casualty, however, unrelated to the interceptor, my dusky jawfish "Ug" was found behind the aquarium, dried up... he jumped out the back of the tank. RIP little buddy, you'll be missed.
Sorry to hear about the fish Chris. Glad to hear that the other stuff made it. I do have to mention though, that I would be uncomfortable having some invertebrates that shouldn't have survived make it. I mean, it's good that they did, but I would have taken them out and done a heavier treatment for a longer period of time.

Are you going to do the full 3 treatments? I didn't see a single one after my first treatment was done, but I went and did another treatment again anyway. I lost all of my crabs, including my big hermit crab, and lost my cleaner shrimp who I had had since I set the tank up 3 years ago. I spent all night trying to catch him, but couldn't and didn't want to wait any longer than I had to to do the treatment. Oh well.

How much did you use for your one treatment?
I am not a fan of treating your entire tank for red bugs with interceptor, for the longest time I theorized that there is a direct relation between getting rid of RB through this method and getting AEFW soon after.
Back in the days Chris little use to disagree with me about this and I always respected his opinion but I still see cases that in which this happens and I continue to debate in my mnd if it is only a coincidence.
Keep me posted.
I'll let you know if this happens in this case... Personally I think that any acros that brought redbugs in with them, PROBABLY have flatties as well, just due to the conditions they come from. I do agree that there seems to be a corelation between the two, but I think it's just coincidence. I only did one treatment, but based on some research, I did it for 12 hours. My white hermit, speedy, also passed in the night, but I'm not heartbroken, I was going to get rid of him anyway. I've found him eating 2 fish so far, and I don't believe they died of natural causes. I would have just liked to have given him a good home, even if it was in the belly of a triggerfish.