Did you all see this?

Thanks for sharing. Pretty cool, there is lots of projects going on similar to this one around the world.

Problem is that it addresses the issue of temperature which most scientists have now agreed that it is not <U>the</U> issue with the disappearance of corals. It is the reason for a lot of bleaching and is hurting corals, but it is the change of the pH in the oceans(ocean acidification) that will ultimately destroy coral reefs as we know them. The problem is that the ocean is quickly reaching a pH at which corals can not create their calcium based skeletons.

I will have some similar videos and information to present at this months meeting. I hope we have a good turn out.
One of the sad parts is the islanders opinions of things. They learned they could make more profit with the beautiful reefs, so that is why they take care of them. Same sort of thing works here to. People change there appliances to energy efficient appliances not because of how it helps the environment, but because it saves on their bills.
Change is change though and the way humans have been doing things the last 100 years, just about any change is good change.

Something else to consider is many of contributed to the dynamite and cyanide thrown in that water which killed off those reefs in the first place. How you ask? We paid them to give us the corals and fish we have in our tanks.

I remember back in the late 80's and early 90's, there was a active program to teach the "Islanders" to net catch fish.
It was not well accepted due to the increased effort effort required to catch fish, and lower ROI.
We actually donated money to buy them nets back then.

But, we kept right on buying the Cyanide poisoned fish, and wondering why they would die after a few months in our care. We actually thought it was our fault (it was in many cases) butit was the burning of their gills with cyanide that was killing them over time.