Disapointed with Yellow leather


New member
2 days ago I got a Yellow leather coral. Right now, that same leather is in the garbage can. After having it in my tank for a full day I woke up to find 1/3 of it black/gray and rotten. I cut out the rot, but by the end of the day the rest of the coral rotted out too, and I had no choice but to remove it from my tank. My question is: what the hell happened? My tank isn't some toxic waste pit, All my other corals are fluorishing, what caused my coral to die like this, and so quickly? I didn't know this could happen, and I'm just looking for an explanation to make sense of it all. Thanks in advance.
I'm no expert but I have had the same experience 3 or 4 times. I have decided that yellow Fiji leathers are difficult. My LFS told me that they bruise easily and that they shouldn't be touched by yours hands. Both situations cause the infection that you saw. Sometimes cutting this away helps, but in my experience it has failed every time. I know others with the same experience and then there are those I see here on RC that are beautiful. Go figure !!
Interesting. I added a frag from an S. elegans a few days ago, and after reading some threads and reports on them, didn't have my hopes up at all. I also added the frag of another 'toadstool' leather, assuming it would probably fair the best.

The yellow leather is doing fantastic (it had a tiny black spot on one edge, but that has since disappeared)...but the toadstool rarely has it's polyps out and doesn't seem to be that happy. It's the opposite of what I expected.

Seems to be a matter of hit or miss with these guys?
it could be the flow and overall acclimation. they're just as key as lighting.

for example, i have a yellow toadie (maybe s. serenei) that closes up whenever i take out the powerhead located above it at the top of the tank for maintenance. it stays closed until i put back the pump and flow (i let it sit for four days this time, i needed vinegar). but within minutes after putting the powerhead back into position the toadie woke up again. only change was the powerhead and additional flow it created.

neighbors will also affect toadies more than other corals ime. when i frag or even move an especially mucusy (but fast growing) zoanthid colony, it causes toadies (if placed close by but no contact) to close up too. while other corals seem unaffected.

i think they (toadies/sarcos) really need their own space or aggressive chemical filtration. i'm not a diver but many pictures i've seen seem to show them dominating their little patches of reef (intolerant of other corals?).
I picked up a small yellow leather for my daughter about 3 weeks ago and it seems to love her little 5 gal minibow. It opened right up as soon as I put it in the tank. It's got 36 watts of light and seems to love the flow from the small hob filter. There's a minijet in there too so there's tons of movement in there. It looks like it's growing already so maybe I'll have a frag for my tank before too long...lol

I have had quite a bit of luck with these pieces and have found that the only thing I have expereinced them having real issues with is higher temps. I keep mine in moderate flow in good lighting and make sure the temp doesnt get above 81 and they are happy. I have heard of experiences like yours but find that the key to getting past that is finding a good specimen from the LFS. Same as most others dont let your ambitions overwhelm your sense of good judgement if the piece doesnt look good at the LFS dont buy it be patient and wait. I know that it is almost impossible to do this even when you know its the right thing to do.
i have some nice growing, strong, yellow leather i could frag and send you cheap. i will actually be coming to bmore july 5th and 6th i could even bring a frag with me as well as other softies i have if your interested. send me a pm or email if interested and we can set it up.