Disappearing shrooms


New member
I bought a single mushroom coral last summer and it had started to cover a rock and was doing fantastic..until it started to disappear. I woke up one morning and one of the mushrooms was completely gone and the other was missing a large chunk. I found an asterina star on the stem of the coral and took it out of the tank and found another one and removed it later that day. About two days later I woke up and another mushroom was completely gone. There is only one left and it is VERY tiny so I'm sure that one will take no time to devour. I also have 2 tree corals and I'm afraid that its going to start in on them when it finishes the mushrooms and I'm considering taking them back to the store. I have gotten up during the night to try to see whats doing and nada, I never saw anything. My question is..what is the most likely culprit? I have heard that the asterina stars may bother coral and I also have a lot of limpets, are they doing it? Other than that I just have 2 clowns,a peppermint shrimp, and some hermits.
i recently caught an eunice worm taking a bite out of my rhodactis. my shrooms have been disapearing one by one and sometimes they have chunks missing. that worm is toast when i get a hold of him!
i currently changed the salt i was using from tropic marine salt to red sea and all of my shrooms and zoas started to disappear... could changing salts actually have that big of an impact on my system