disappearing zoas


New member
I have had two large colonies of zoas just slowly disappear no signs of disease and dont see any pests anyone have the same experience???
if they are wild zoa colonies welcome to the club .. They open great for about 3 weeks and than one day will close and downhill from there I have dipped treated and with same results.. Out of 10 wild zoa colonies I will probably have 4 that will thrive long term
Yeah, I have lost multiple colonies to no apparent reason other than being a Zoa and randomly disappearing, it can be irritating. But, we are trying to recreate an ocean in little glass boxes in our houses, so it is kind of expected.
This can be for several reasons:

1). It just sometimes happens.
2). Tank got too warm (especially for deepwaters)
3). Wrong kind of light - this is not a too-much thing, it is a wrong-kind thing.
I had a colony of over 200 polyps that disappeared in days. Someone ate them, but I never figured out who. Main suspect were some weird white starfish tha came in as hitch hikers. I removed them and the Zoa carnage ended. Have you tried looking at the colonies at night to check for pests?
Ive had the same problem many times in my tank. Very frustrating. Try doing a fresh
Water dip for like 10 seconds and see what is left over in the cup. This will usually draw out any pests and usually can lead to the discovery of the problem. Also look for sundial snails and flatworms.
At night when they are closed up, do they have white spots all over them? If so, you may have zoa pox. I had them and had to treat all the zoas in my tank a few weeks ago.