DIY 72"x30"x30" glass only tank


New member
Is 1/2" glass thick enough for this size tank?

Would 5 holes each 2 3/8" spaced evenly across the top back of tank(for 1.5" bulkheads) comprimise the strength/integrity of the tank?

Would 2 additional holes 1/3 in from each side half way down on back wall of tank in addition to the afformentioned holes comprimise strength/integrity of this tank?
Only with lots of braces. I wouldnt go 1/2" I would go with 5/8" and have one brace in the middle. or go 3/4" and have no braces..

Provided the tank is braced, 1/2in. glass is more than adequate. We manufacture this size tank regularly in 1/2in. glass, but they are braced at the top edges and across the centre. I don't see any problems with your proposed drilling; the water pressure is relatively low at the proposed level of the upper holes, and the 2 lower ones seem to be well spaced out.
My 96x48x30 is built from 3/4" low iron and only has 4" euro-bracing around the top, I wanted to keep my tank nice and opened for lighting...
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6768268#post6768268 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by windsor-aquatic
Provided the tank is braced, 1/2in. glass is more than adequate. We manufacture this size tank regularly in 1/2in. glass, but they are braced at the top edges and across the centre. I don't see any problems with your proposed drilling; the water pressure is relatively low at the proposed level of the upper holes, and the 2 lower ones seem to be well spaced out.

Oh sorry i didnt know that i guess the people i deal with are on the safe side i guess.. sorry about thepost on my part.



Yes, I was planning on eurobracing with 3-4" glass full perimeter. Also, planning 1/2" tempered glass for bottom plate. I have also considered doing what glasscages does....putting 2" x 1/2" glass inside bottom of take running perimeter in hopes of an even better seal/strenth. Any thoughts on doing that?
Provided you are planning on using the euro bracing around the top and a centre cross brace, I don't see any need for the bracing on the inside bottom of the tank.
Inside bottom tank bracing

Inside bottom tank bracing

Thanks to all for their input. Special thanks to Windsor for input.
Reasoning for interior bottom tank bracing is that according to the glass company where I am getting the glass, they recommended a stronger silicone than is probably used by most companies. That said, it is likely it has properties that I wouldn't want leaching back into the tank water(this silcone would only be used on the glass panel glass to glass bonds). To achieve a double seal and to prevent the stronger silicone from leaching, I thought there might be a better safety factor in putting down safer, but potentially less strong 100% silicone (closer to what is normally used) to seal the interior bottom 2" bracing. Thoughts?
I really don't feel competent enough to reply to that one! Of the dozens of different makes of silicone available here, all the ones that are specifically for aquatic use are comparable in strength. I have over the years used many different makes, my choice usually being dictated by price and ease of application rather than anything else. Sorry I can't be of more help.


Windsor, do you know of any brands available in the U.S. that you have used in constructing tanks this big or bigger? Again, thank you!
The only company whose products I am familiar with is AquariumObsessed, who are Canadian based. I have mentioned this company before on here, and it prompted a reaction from the mods, but I'm simply trying to answer you question honestly. There are undoubtedly other companies who could supply you, but I am not familiar with their work. I have come to know Will, at AO, his company and, more importantly, his standard of workmanship, and would have no hesitation in recommending him.
I have been waiting for my brother (works at a glass company) to get some time to help me silicone it together. I have the glass, but he is an extremely busy person and hasn't had the time to come over. The wait has been killing me. I could probably do it myself with some extra hands, but I figure, if I have access to someone who works with glass and he also has a friend that could help on the project, it is probably safer to wait for help. I plan on taking a lot of pictures, step by step so that I can post the process.
funny, I am thinking of building this size tank too. I built a 48"x18"x20" tank before - still going strong :-)

have you had any online instuctions or anything for building?
