DIY Refugium, Larry and HCS3


Mushroom Boy

Hi, am I the first post? :)

I'm getting ready to make a refugium for my 40 gallon tank and have looked at several designs on the internet including both of yours - they look great by the way. I'm wondering which you find to be the better design, as far as effectiveness in providing miscapods to the main tank - the deep narrow (like the one on Larry's 40), or the shallow, long and narrow like HCS3's? Thanks for the help!!

Yep, Paul is the first poster. I think he wins some sort of door prize. Maybe a dozen aptasia? ;)
Paul, IMO for growing the various 'pods either design works as well. All that really matters is that they have a place to grow without predation. The only advantage to a refugium outside of the main tank is you can have it on a separate photo-period if you wish. For the pods, though, that is kind of a moot point.
Good luck,

The only thing that I have to add to what Larry said, is you should also consider using a with the greatest area. (i.e. use a tank that is 3X2X1 instead of 1X3X2) This will give you a greater surface area which will help with gas exchanges and make cooling the entire system easier.

mushroom boy

one advantage i have over a lot of other refugiums is that i have the same lighting for the tank lighitng up the refugium. no extra lighitng costs. of course, this doesn't help with the reverse photo-period thing, but unless your doing a large refugium, it doesn't matter much anyway.


<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=38315#post38315 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Mushroom Boy
Hi, am I the first post? :)

Look what I found... the first DIY thread at RC. I guess I am now well traveled.