Do you have a spare tank to lend? Or rocks with hair algae?


New member
Strange request, I know :cool:

We have a MACNA vendor that is looking to donate some cool items to the club (FMAS) not MACNA. In exchange for a couple of tanks (20 to 50 gallons) and rocks with hair algae. You will get your tanks back as well as the rocks.

I can also exchange your rock full of algae with one of similar size if you are interested. Its a weird request, but this is an easy opportunity for the club to get some free raffle items.

If you have one or more of these items you can lend out to the vendor. Please let me know by sending me an email to

Thanks :beer:
I have a ten gallon, I know its small, but your welcome to use.

Curious....what is the hair algae going to be used for?
I have a used 20 gallon high, and a brand new 46 gallon bowfront for a future build. But I can't afford all the gear yet, so it's just sitting until probably next year. You're welcome to both.
I have a 46 bowfront can borrow (it used to be a freshwater planted tank). I can't transport it though because it doesn't fit in my car so you'd have to pick it up.